Sunday, January 31, 2010

Qual a melhor época para se tatuar

Não é recente a discução sobre qual é a melhor altura do ano para tatuar-se. Há quem defenda que é o inverno e quem prefira tatuar-se no verão, ainda os que acham que é indiferente e o que vale mesmo é uma boa tattoo.

Confira abaixo a opinião dos 246 leitores que participaram desta enquete.

Prefere tatuar no:

Indiferente: 84 votos (34%)
Inverno: 84 votos (34%)
Verão: 78 votos (31%)

Douglas, estúdio Tattoo Art em Santos

Boa noite, parabéns pelo site! Gostaria de inscrever meu namorado para divulgação de seus trabalhos, pois ele é um excelente desenhista e maravilhoso tatuador... Então seguem as fotos e desenhos.

Tatuador: Douglas
Cidade: Santos (SP)
Estúdio: Tattoo Art
Endereço: Rua João Pessoa, Nº. 154 – Alto – Centro de Santos
Telefone: (13) 3224.6789

Claudia Valente, Carpa na perna, 180

"Esta é minha quarta tatuagem de um total de 5 (por enquanto!)
Estou pensando em fazer mais... é um vicio!!!

Foi feita por Célio - Studio em Itaboraí

Claudia Valente

Cássia Marques, Rosas em Homenagem, 179

"Oi, bom dia pessoal!!!

Bom, minha mãe passa já há mais de 10 anos por problemas psiquiatricos. Com 15 anos tatuei o nome de meu pai que aliás amo muito. Quando fiz 18 anos decidi fazer um par de asa de borboleta nas costas e pensei em escrever o nome da minha mãe, mas por consideração, pois a família achava errado o que havia feito para meu pai e pra ela não.

Foi quando em um momento de lucides, minha mãe pediu que fizesse algo que pudesse lembrar dela com carinho, sem rancor nenhum, e apartir dali olhasse pra aquela tatuagem e lembrasse de como ela era doce também e vivamos bem na maior parte tempo, quando estava cuidado de suas flores. Ela pediu que eu fizesse algumas rosas. Não fiz as asas mas e vi o quanto a amo e que ela me ama também, mesmo que não tenha conciência na maior parte do tempo. Ela é uma parte de mim muito especial e só posso dizer que estou ficando cada dia mais feliz, pois ela esta melhorando e a cada dia que passa temos uma novidade de que ela está vivendo melhor, convivemos com esses resultados vendo ela em casa sem crise e até saindo dos remedios.

Não entendo o que fez ela me pedir para fazer esse desenho mas foi o que nos aproximou e dai indiante a fez melhorar. Só tenho a agradecer.

Valeu pessoal.

Estudio: Vendetta Tattoo
Tatuador: Cristiano"

Cássia Marques

Novos trabalhos de Sergio Bensdorp

Sergio Bensdorp Junior tatuador de Marilia, São Paulo em sua quarta participação no A Tattoo.

Tatuador: Sergio Bensdorp Junior
Estúdio: Fantasy Tattoo
Endereço: Rua 9 de Julho nº 1576 Centro
Cidade: Marilia, SP
Fone: (14)4101-0351 Cel:(14) 8119-3438
Orkut: Sergio Fantasy Tattoo

Marcelo Wsolek, Tiamat, 178

"Boa tarde!!!
Estava navegando em seu site e verifiquei a solicitação para encaminhar as fotos do Tiamat da caverna do dragão.

Seguem as fotos que não ficaram muito boas, pois trata-se de uma câmera de celular. Sou de Curitiba, e espero ter contribuído para solicitação.

Tatuada na praia da Ferrugem - Garopaba - Sc, em fevereiro de 2001 por Dé Tattoo - Porto Alegre."

Marcelo Wsolek

Participe também do quadro Minha Tattoo.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tattoorism: Dean's Samurai

Last Saturday, I posted some tattoos sent to us from Tammy in Texas. Her son Dean is also tattooed and, in a much bigger way. We'll let him explain:

My very first tattoo was done on my 18th birthday in 2005...[it is] a black dragon with kanji above it. About a year letter I had a koi fish done on my calf...both of these tattoos were just drawings I had found. In 2006 I started working on my rib piece and in 2007 I got together with John from A Different Drummer here in Wichita Falls (he is now at the Lawton, OK location), and the two of us collaborated on bringing the rib piece together. Once the drawing was to our satisfaction, it took a little over 2 months of 3-4 hour sittings weekly until the tattoo was complete. 16-plus hours and worth every minute!

In 2009 I decided it was time for an arm piece and went back to A Different Drummer and Tuan who was in Art Class with me in high school listened to what I wanted... and the arm piece came to life...this one was done in one day and took a little over 7 1/2 hours:

Both pieces are marvelously done.

Thanks to Dean for sharing his work with us here on Tattoosday! And a hearty thank you, as well, to Tammy, for being a cool mom, sharing her pride in her son's amazing body art!

Friday, January 22, 2010

A Lull

On January 20, I logged the following notes:

12:10 PM. Rather than wander in search of ink, I am trying something else. Staying put, here in front of the Amtrak Departures board in Penn Station, and seeing what walks to me.

I have only successfully met 2 of the inked nation in the last 27 days, and I'd like to resume posting more regularly.

I figure, sooner or later, this wintry drought will end.

12:20 A woman walks by with two interlinking gray hearts behind her right ear. I hesitate and decide not to approach her as she walks by. The tattoo didn't speak to me.

12:35 Still nothing. 5 minutes left in my little experiment.

12:36 Ed Hardy baseball cap.

Experiment Fail.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Daniel Returns with Another Machine Head Tattoo

Last month I featured a leg tattoo belonging to Daniel, who was visiting from Australia. At the time he alluded to the fact that he had a pretty cool chest piece, as well. Understandably, he wasn't about to whip his shirt off in Penn Station in December.

Anyway, Dan was kind enough to send me this picture. Although not the best quality from a photographic standpoint, it's clear enough to see what a great tattoo this is:

The inspiration from this art, also related to the band Machine Head, can be seen on their main web page here. Like his other tattoo featured previously, these pieces were done by Jonny at Abandoned Art in the Wanneroo section of Perth, Australia.

Daniel says they took two sittings and about five hours to complete.

Thanks to Daniel for following up with this photo here on Tattoosday!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Eric Shows His Dedication to Being a First Responder

In what was the first new instance of inkspotting outside of a tattoo shop since Christmas Eve, I met Eric in Penn Station and he shared this, the newest of his four tattoos:

Eric explained that he is a volunteer firefighter and EMT out on Long Island, and he wanted a tattoo to represent both sides of his service to his community.

This was done by Debbie at Skin Deep Tattoo in Levittown, New York.

Work from this shop has appeared previously on our site here.

Thanks to Eric for sharing his new tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Novas Tatuagens de Jorge Santana

Confira as novas tatuagens de Jorge Santana. O tatuador foi é um dos primeiros participantes do A Tattoo em Julho de 2008 e representa o estúdio CIA da Tattoo.

Confira mais trabalhos de Jorge Santana e leia um pouco mais a seu respeito.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tattoorism: Jeremy Shares a Derek Hess Tattoo

Although we're not a fan submission site, we'll occasionally post tattoos from fans with interesting work to share. It often helps us through the lean months when most ink is hibernating in the colder climates.

Jeremy recently e-mailed me, having found us via the blogroll of the awesome Needles and Sins site and felt, as he said, compelled to share this tattoo:

Jeremy explains:

"The piece is [based on work] by Derek Hess and it's called 'Flood Damage'.

I got it in April of '09 after 2008 was one of the worst years of my young life (I'm 25 now) to mark the fact that as much as I was flooded with bad things in '08, I was moving on. It was done by a..."Low" [who recently left] Lucky Draw Tattoos in Kennesaw, Georgia. I got it tattooed on the outer portion of my right thigh. The piece took just about 3 hours...I absolutely love it. Everytime...I get a chance to look at it, I remember that I'm not the same guy anymore and that I've moved on with my life."
We featured a tattoo based on the work of Derek Hess previously here on Tattoosday.

Jeremy also apologized for the fact that the photo is in black and white, but there is color in the tattoo. His camera on his phone, however, would not shoot in color.

Thanks again to Jeremy for sharing his work with us here on Tattoosday!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Desenhos para tatuagens, Luciano Hilario

Meu nome é Luciano Hilario, morador de Cabo Frio-RJ, amante do desenho e das tatuagens!

Envio mais alguns desenhos para vocês! Grande abraço à todos parabéns pelo blog!

Série 1

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